Short Advices – The Counsel Of Hājī Imdādullāh Muhājir Makkī Rahmatullahi Alayhi – Part 2

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You should constantly seek refuge from the love of prestige and leadership, as it is deception.

– Time is a blessing; use it wisely and do not waste it in forgetfulness, as lost time cannot be compensated.

– You should chivalrously persevere on the path, and detach yourself from the changing of worldly matters.

Flee from innovators and unorthodox Sufis, even if they perform supernatural acts.

– Intermingle with fellow human beings according to necessity and with good character and humbleness.

Adopt humility as your necessary character and object to no one.

– Adopt tenderness in your speech and befriend silence and solitude.

– Persevere in your works wholeheartedly.

– Do not let disturbance enter your heart and assign all actions to Allah alone.

– Guard your heart vigorously from the threat of the other.

– Oblige yourself with helping others in matters of religion.

– First rectify your intention and then begin the work.

– Eat moderately; do not exceed so much that you become idle nor so little that you become weak in performing works.

– Adopt moderation in all affairs.

– It is better that you earn your livelihood. Reliance on Allah for sustenance is also permissible provided that you are immune from expectation of created beings.

– Keep your heart pure from attachment to other than Him. Neither fear nor hope from anyone besides Him.