Gazing at Animate Pictures Is Haraam
Hadhrat Thaanwi rahmatullah alayh mentioned:
Gazing intentionally at pictures (of living things) to derive pleasure, is haraam. If the gaze falls on such pictures unintentionally it will not be sinful.
(Someone asked:) “What if the picture is viewed from an artistic point of view?”
Hadhrat Thaanwi rahmatullah alayh replied:
“Forget about artistic achievement or value of a picture-maker. It is unlawful to look at some things created by even the True Artist, Allah Ta’ala. Gazing at females and young lads is haraam. The Fuqaha have well-understood the danger of such viewing ostensiblyfor the sake of art. The Fuqaha have ruled that it is not permissible to look at wine to derive mental pleasure.”
Our comment: Today it is sad to see that the majority of the Muslim Ummah have turned their lounges into temples of shaytaan. Where every couch faces the idol of television. This is all done in the name of entertainment to derive mental pleasure.
We proclaim the Kalimah that there is no god but Allah.
Allah Ta’aala says in Surah Jaathiya in the 25th Juz:
“Have you not seen the one who has taken his desires (pleasures) as his god?”
Are we fulfilling the dictates of the Kalimah when watching television? We watch TV for pleasure. We follow what pleases us, not what pleases Allah. Then why should Allah please us and answer our duas?
We cause an uproar when there are discos and nightclubs and cinemas opened in Saudi Arabia but we take pleaasure in watching these on the television in our home.
We take pleasure at watching the kaafirs drinking alcohol and advertising it and dancing to the music in the clubs.
We recite Surah Yaseen every morning where Allah says: ” But stand apart today (Day of Qiyaamah), YOU criminals. Did I not enjoin upon YOU, O children of Adam, that YOU not worship Satan – [for] indeed, he is to YOU a clear enemy – And that YOU worship [only] Me? This is a straight path.”
Yet we ask Allah everyday in surah Faatihah to guide us to the straight path.
So what does Shaytaan command and what does Allah command?
He (Satan) only orders you to evil and immorality and to say about Allah what you do not know.
Verse (2:169)
Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded.
Verse (16:90)