The nature of fanaa consists of the elimination of evil deeds and lowly attributes of the flesh. In other words, fanaa is abstention from sin and the expulsion from the heart of all love other than the Divine Love; expulsion of greed, lust, desire, vanity, show, etc. In the state of fanaa the reality of the true and only relationship asserts itself in the mind. One realizes and feels that the only real relationship is with Allah Ta’ala.
This lofty, state of fanaa is attainable by mujaahadah and Thikr in abundance–Thikr by means of both the tongue and heart.
At times the Saalik becomes oblivious of his state of fanaa. This unawareness is termed fanaa-ul-fanaa. This state is also known as baqaa (perpetuity). In this state the realization of one’s condition of selflessness disappears.
The annihilation of human qualities is also called qurb-e-nawaafil and the annihilation of that (self ego) is described as qurb-e-faraaidh, i.e. the disappearance of awareness of others.
The development of righteous deeds into one’s natural disposition and the perfection of the lofty attributes (akhlaaq-e-hameedah) are also termed baqaa.
The state of fanaa-ul-fanaa is realized by abundance of Thikr (remembrance of Allah) and fikr (contemplation) done with constancy.