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Allah Ta’ala says:

“(Say) I seek refuge with the Rabb of the morning from the evil of the haasid (jealous person) when he envies.”

Rasulullah (saws) said: “Do not be jealous among yourselves.”

To be displeased with another’s good position and to wish for its elimination is hasad. Hasad has three stages.

1. The natural human quality. In this degree of hasad, man is excused and is not at fault.

2. Acting according to the demands of hasad. In this degree of commission, man is a sinner.

3. Opposing the demands of hasad. In this degree, man is laudable and will be rewarded.

Generally the basis of hasad is takabbur (pride) and ghuroor (falsehood). Without any valid reason man seeks to withhold the bounties of Allah Ta’ala. He desires (at times consciously and at times subconsciously) that like himself, Allah too should restrict His bounties. Hasad is a malady of the heart. It is harmful to both one’s spiritual life and worldly life. The harm to man’s Deen (spiritual life) is the elimination of his good deeds and he becomes the victim of Allah’s Wrath. Rasulullah (saws) said:

“Jealousy devours good deeds like Fire devours wood.”

The harm to his worldly life (dunyaa) is the frustration and worry which perpetually afflicts the envious person. He is consumed by frustration caused by hasad for another whose disgrace and fall he always anticipates. In this way the haasid destroys his Aakhirat in addition to eliminating his worldly comfort and peace of mind.

The disease of hasad is remedied by praising much the person against whom jealousy is directed. Praise him no matter how difficult this may seem. Honour him and meet him with respect and humility.