Reading Time: < 1 minute

To make wudu, ghusl, and keep one’s clothing clean.
To be steadfast in offering salaat.
To pay zakaat and sadaqatul fitr.
To fast.
To perform the Hajj.
To make i’tikaaf.
To move away or migrate from that place which is harmful for one’s deen.
To fulfil the vows that have been made to ALLAH.
To fulfil the oaths that are not sinful.
To pay the kaffarah for unfulfilled oaths.
To cover those parts of the body that are fard to cover.
To make qurbaani.
To enshroud and bury the deceased.
To fulfil your debts.
To abstain from prohibited things when undertaking monetary transactions.
Not to conceal something true which you may have witnessed.
To get married when the nafs desires to do so.
To fulfil the rights of those who are under you.
To provide comfort to one’s parents.
To rear children in the proper manner.
Not to sever relations with one’s friends and relatives.