6. A person took a vow of offering one rakaat. He will have to offer two rakaats. And if he took a vow of offering three rakaats, he will have to offer four rakaats of salaat. And if he took a vow of offering five rakaats, he will have to offer six rakaats. In this way, he will have to continue adding one more rakaat if he vows to offer an odd number of rakaats.
7. A person takes a vow that he will give R10 in charity. He will therefore have to give whatever he has vowed to give. If a person took a vow of giving R50 in charity, and at that time he only had R10, he will only have to give R10. However, if he has some other possessions apart from the R10, we will have to establish the value of the other possessions. For example, a person has R10 in cash and the value of the other possessions equals R15. His total wealth now adds up to R25. He will therefore have to give R25 in charity. It is not wajib on him to give more than this.
8. A person takes a vow that he will feed 10 poor persons. If he had it in his mind that he will feed them one meal or two meals, he will have to feed them according to what he had intended. But if he did not have anything in his mind, he will have to feed them two meals. If he had taken a vow that he will give them some dry groceries, the same rule as above will apply. That is, if he had it in his mind that he will give each person a certain amount, then he will have to give them that amount. But if he did not specify any amount or did not even have it in his mind, then he will have to give each person the amount that one is required to give as sadaqatul fitr.
9. If a person takes a vow that he will give bread to the value of R1, he has the choice of giving the bread, some other food to the value of R1 or he could give R1 in cash.
10. A person took a vow of giving R10 in charity on the basis that he will give 10 poor persons R1 each. However, instead of giving the charity in this manner, he gave R10 to one poor person. This is also permissible. It is not wajib upon him to give R1 to each poor person. It will also be permissible for him to distribute R10 among 20 poor persons. If he takes a vow that he will give R10 to 10 poor persons, he still has the choice of giving 10 persons, less than 10 persons or more than 10 persons.
11. If a person takes a vow that he will feed 10 persons who are regular with their salaat or 10 persons who have memorized the Quran, he can feed 10 poor persons irrespective of whether they are regular with their salaat or not, and irrespective of whether they have memorized the Quran or not.