Allah Ta’ala says:
“Be forgiving; command righteousness and dissociate from the ignorant ones.”
Rasulullah (saws) said: “Do not have malice for one another.”
Keenah is the condition of malice which asserts itself when one lacks the power to take revenge in the state of anger. Keenah is the seed of many evils. When anger has not been satisfied, its vapours engulf the heart producing a seething effect which boils the heart. This smoke and feeling root the malice in the heart. This results in frustration.
Keenah or hiqd is an intentional condition. It is nor the feeling of mere dislike which arises involuntarily and unintentionally. In malice one entertains evil in the heart for another by design and at the same time one is concerned about schemes to harm the one at whom the malice is directed, if intention and desire to harm are absent, it will not be malice, but will be known as inqibaadh which is not a sinful state as this is a natural condition.
Rasulullah (saws) said that two persons having malice for one another are not forgiven. The reference to this malice is malice based on injustice and wrong. A hatred for the sake of Deen is not within the purview of the malice described here. Such hatred (for the sake of the Deen) is meritorious since the Hadith commands love for the sake of Allah and hatred for the sake of Allah.
The cure for malice is to overlook the fault of the one for whom hiqd is entertained and to associate with him irrespective of the difficulty one may experience in the adoption of such a big-hearted attitude.