The Blessings of the Mubaarak Hair of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) embraced me in such a manner that his blessed beard was on my head, and his blessed jubbah became soaked with my tears. Then gradually this condition of ecstasy and quivering turned to the state of sukoon (tranquillity).
Then the thought came to my mind that, for some time I had the wish of coming into possession of the Blessed Hair. “What a grace it would be if now I am conferred with the tabarruk.” Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) perceived this thought of mine. He passed his hand over his blessed beard and placed two holy strands in my hands.
Then it crossed my mind, “Whether these two holy strands of hair will remain with me in the state of wakefulness or not?” Perceiving this thought Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “These two strands of hair will remain in the state of consciousness and wakefulness.”
Thereafter Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) gave the good news of complete recovery and a long life. Instantaneously I became well.
I asked for a lamp. I did not find those two sacred strands of hair in my hand. Dejected, I focused my attention to the Supreme Court [of Rasulullah, Sallallahu alaihi wasallam]. I lapsed into Ghaibat [A spiritual state in which the Saalik’s soul departs from those who are present and enters another presence] and Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) appeared in a spiritual form.
He said: “Son! Apply your mind and be conscious! Those two strands of hair were placed out of cautiousness under your pillow. Take them from there.”
Immediately upon regaining consciousness I lifted those two strands of hair from there. With honour and respected I placed them in a protected place. Thereafter, my fever immediately subsided and extreme debility and exhaustion overcame me.
The family thought that the time for my maut (death) had arrived. They started sobbing. I didn’t have any strength to even speak. I just gestured away with my head. After some time, my strength came back, and I recovered fully.
Among the peculiarities of these two strands of hair is that they are usually together, but upon reciting Durood Shareef they stand up separately.
Another significant episode is that once some rejectors of the effects of its blessings came to test the strands of hair. I was not happy with this act of disrespect. However, when the debate prolonged then some dear family members put the strands of hair in front of the sun. Spontaneously a cloud appeared, whereas the son was very hot, and it was not even the season for clouds.
Beholding this, one of the rejectors made taubah (he repented), whilst the other two said that it was a coincidence.
The family member took the hair for a second time and out of nowhere a cloud appeared.
Upon this another of the rejectors made taubah. But the third said it was a mere coincidence.
Hearing this, the holy strands of hair were put in front of the sun for a third time. For a third time a cloud appeared, and the third rejector also joined those who repented.