Two Ways of Protecting Oneself during Times of Confusion

Reading Time: 2 minutes


When the traffic gets completely out of control with cars driving in all directions and in any manner and there is nobody to control it, in fact those who we expected to control it are actually adding to it, then obviously this will lead to chaos and disaster. In such a
situation, the most sensible thing to do is to remain indoors, and if you have to travel then go with such a squadron and in such a manner that you can reach your destination safely.

If you look at the global condition presently and more so the prevalent deeni condition, then this is how it seems. The reason being that there are all types of movements that are thriving, and any person who comes up with some new thinking and ideology and supports it with some logical backing, eventually gains support.
Everyone takes to it and continues. As a result, people look at and view the Quraan Shareef differently and study situations differently. Hence, there will be no way to come to a proper decision.
The whole world is in a mix up because everyone is giving his own definitions for deen and doing as he wants.

A person got married to a Hindu girl. When asked why he did so, he replied that both of them loved each other and he did not want religion to become a barrier in-between. Now this is his understanding.

Thus, when this is the state of affairs you either join a group like the tableegh jamaat and continue with it. Why do they go out in a group? The reason is that no matter how sincere you may be, but you can always fall into fitnah if you go all alone.
Otherwise, just remain within your home.

A buzurg was asked to come to the city centre and benefit the people through his discourses etc. He replied that when the mud is thick then a strong elephant can also slip.
People get influenced with unreliable lectures and websites etc. and their imaan gets corrupt. Eventually they carry out their acts of ‘ibaadat just in order to maintain peace with family and friends, whereas they have no imaan from within. Hence, you have to
remain within your home and keep to yourself and only do that which you are certain that it will not affect and influence your imaan.

People may say that you are backwards and not moving with the times, but if this is a means of protecting your deen then it is not being backwards. Once, someone said a similar thing to Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Saahib (rahmatullahi ‘alaih). He
replied: “Agar tung-nazri se bud-nazri se bach jaaye to ghaneemat he”. If being narrow-minded resulted in being protected from the incorrect use of the eyes, then this is something great.

Advices of Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (d.b.)

Stepping Stones to Reformation