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Declaring our Rasool as the BEST of the REST, Allah Ta’ala says, “There is definitely an excellent example in Allah’s Rasool for the one who fears Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah abundantly.” (Surah Ahzaab, Aayat 21)

As the crazy soccer world-cup season is approaching, many sport lunatics are preparing themselves to watch, follow and support their ‘zeros’ (the opposite of heroes) that will be playing on the pitch with no pants (as will be explained below) for the entire world to see.

The sad part is that it is not only the youth that get so crazy about sports, even adults – some who are already grandparents – go mad during the crazy world-cup season. The latest scores, the names of players, top goal scorers, top players, captains, managers, etc. are all known and memorized by such sport fanatics. One wonders as to whether the names of the eleven Surahs of the first half of the 30th Juz are just as well known by these same sport fans. One also wonders if the eleven Azwaaje-Mutahharaat’s blessed names are just as well known by these soccer-fans compared to the names of the eleven players they die for in support of their team.

Let us understand the real misery a soccer-player is subjected to while playing for his team

It is an accepted fact that the soccer players wear kits. The ‘trousers’ of these kits are ‘shorts’, which reveal their knees. In Islam – the True and Correct Deen of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and NOT the watered down Deen of the modernists, TV-scholars, interfaith-scholars, sport-scholars, matric well-wishing scholars, etc. – teaches us that the KNEES should be covered as they are regarded as SATR (or Aurah, that part of the body of a male which has to be concealed). Now, a soccer player plays for 90 long minutes, on a pitch, in a stadium filled to capacity of 30 000+ spectators, is broadcasted live on TV and livestreaming channels, is photographed by dedicated photographers of the stadium and is videoed and photographed by the (30 000+) spectators, etc. ALL this with his SATR uncovered! This is equivalent to say, ‘with no trousers’, Islamically. And Islamically it is not permitted to look at anyone’s Aurah.

Furthermore, a soccer player’s photographs and videos are recorded, stored and available on the internet. His videos are shown during sports highlights on news channels, hourly. His photograph is placed on front pages of newspapers. Again, all of this with his SATR uncovered! Literally, he is watched by millions of fanatics who are sport-lunatics, throughout the world, only to see him with his SATR uncovered! Is this not misery he is subjected to? Indeed, it is, especially Islamically! Can we support such people and regard them as our heroes whose SATR is uncovered in the eyes of millions, literally MILLIONS?

Let us rather revisit the Sunnats and Seerat of our real hero and role model, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), for whom our lives may be sacrificed, as declared in the Qur’anic Aayat in the beginning

Source: custodiansofthehaq