A Unique incident of a Hindu
Honouring the AHKAAM of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
A Unique incident
Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alayh narrated the following incident: A pious person saw a Hindu in a dream who had passed away. He was strolling in Jannah. When he inquired from the Hindu how it was possible for him to be in Jannah, the Hindu replied:
“Moments before passing away, my heart was simply overcome with the Love and Truth of Islam. Upon my demise, Allah Ta’aala informed me that I was blessed with Imaan because one day during the month of Ramadhaan I saw my son eating in front of fasting Muslims. I was extremely upset at this insensitivity and lack of shame and slapped him. “Don’t you know it is the month of Ramadaan?” I reprimanded him. Allah Ta’aala informed me that since I honoured His month, He honoured me with Imaan. I could not proclaim my Imaan on my deathbed. In the eyes of the World I died as a Hindu, but in Allah’s Eyes I was a Muslim. Thus I am in Jannah!”
Do not mock at Allah’s Laws. May Allah Ta’aala grant us all the Hidayat to honour all His Ahkaam from within the deepest recesses of our hearts. (Ameen)