Bequest (Wasiyyah) Final advices which were imparted a month before Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله passed away
I can hardly muster enough courage to stir my tongue, weakness having sapped my strength to this extent. It is with great difficulty that I speak. Even then, a few points need stating. Listen attentively!
Take care to perform good deeds with istiqāmat (steadfastness), always with good character and good speech. Also, take care to take it upon yourself to perform namāz, keep fasts and perform what is sunnah and mustaḥab (recommended), taking into account your health and ease of performance. In the same way, dhikr and tilāwat (recitation of the Noble Qur’ān) should continue, taking into account opportunity and ease of performance.
(Majālis Masīḥul ʿUmmah: For Friends – Vol. 1, page 248)
Be punctual with and be drawn towards good deeds, with ḥusn-khulq (good character) and ḥusn-kalām (good speech). And refrain from evil deeds, with feelings of distaste for them. And let your tongue be dhākir (in remembrance of Allāh l) and your heart be shākir (grateful to Allāh l). Cleansing of the nafs (lower self)
and rectification of the nafs should be a ‘dhun’ (passion); and the ‘dhiyān’ (focus/attention) on Allāh l.
What has been outlined is the whole summary, the essence, of Taṣawwuf. This is sufficient. Continually act on it. These are the noble statements of my guide, Ḥakīmul ʿUmmah, Mawlānā Muḥammad Ashraf ʿAlī Thānwī t.
(Majālis Masīḥul ʿUmmah: For Friends – Vol. 1, page 251)
“One lecture is enough to change a sincere person.”
Source: A TRUE HUMAN BEING – a compilation of short sayings and advices from the spiritual discourses of Shaykh Muḥammad Masīḥullāh Khān رحمه الل