Donkey Operating The Grinding Stone
Do not intend to travel from one creation to another creation, for then you will become like the Donkey operating the grinding stone. The point which is the beginning of its sojourn (short journey) will also be the end of its sojourn. Rather, travel from makhluqaat (created objects) to Khaaliq (The Creator). Allah Ta’ala says: “Undoubtedly, the end (of Sulook) is your Rabb.”
The Maqsood-e-Asli (True Goal) of the Searcher of Allah is Allah. His gaze must be focused on his Master in everything. The purpose of all acts of ibaadaat, thikr and shaghl (to fix ones eyes at a spot) is the diversion of the Saalik’s gaze from all things besides Allah so that the heart becomes absorbed in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. Thus, if a man of the world abandons the world, engrossing himself in ibaadat, thikr and shaghl to convey to others that he is a man of piety and a saint, he has in fact abandoned one object of creation to involve himself in another object of creation.
In other words, he abandoned wealth for the sake of name and fame. It is clear that those whose acclaim he seeks are all creations. If the Saalik’s maqsood (goal) is thawaab, lofty ranks and acquisition of spiritual pleasure, then although these are lawful, it does not behove the Searcher of Allah to hanker after these. This too is a journey from one creation, viz. abandoning the world, to another creation, viz. reward and lofty ranks. The journey of even this Saalik is not towards Allah Ta’ala. He remains stagnated to the point from whence he commenced his sojourn because thawaab, lofty ranks and fame are all common in being entities other than Allah Ta’ala.
Such a Saalik is like the donkey driving the mill, in that he walks in a circle. He does not traverse any distance. Similarly, is the Saalik who abandons one object of creation for another. He remains in the circle of creation without covering even a cubit in distance towards Khaaliq. The Saalik should therefore abandon all creation whether it be the world, thawaab or some lofty spiritual rank. He should leave them all behind and travel towards his Master.
Allah Ta’ala says: “Undoubtedly, the end (of the Journey) is until your Rabb.”
Therefore, act according to the exhortation of this aayat and fix Maalik-e-Haqeeqi (The True Master) as your Final Goal. Colour yourself with this hue.
Keeping in mind the statement of Rasulullah (r), viz.:
“He whose migration is towards Allah and His Rasool, is truly heading towards Allah and His Rasool, and whoever migrates towards the objects of the world, his migration is in the direction he has contemplated.”
If you are a man of intelligence and understanding then contemplate the meaning of this statement of Rasulullah (r), viz., “Thus, his migration is towards the object he has intended his migration.”
This hadith is proof for the aforementioned contention. The meaning of the hadith is that whoever has left his homeland sincerely for the sake of Allah and His Rasool, his migration is valid. On the other hand, if the purpose of the migration is worldly gain or a woman, then such a migration is for the world. It will have no share or gain in the Aakhirah.
In the same way, if the aim of the Saalik’s thikr, shaghl and ibaadat is the derivation of spiritual pleasure or name and fame, then this will be the limit of his attainment. He will not attain Divine Proximity. If he abandons everything and fixes his gaze on Allah Ta’ala, then this will be the Maqsood he will attain.
Ikmaalush Shiyam