Alterations And Adjustments Were Made In Fasting

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Alterations And Adjustments Were Made In Fasting

There were several changes made in the obligation of fasting.

Initially, the fast of `aashura (10th of Muharram) was fardh(compulsory).

Thereafter, three days, 13th, 14th and 15th (ayyam-e-beedh) of every month were made fardh.

Thereafter, the fasting of any one month of the year was made fardh.


Finally, the month of Ramadhaan was fixed as the month of fasting but with certain restrictions that are as follows:


  1. Fasting would commence the moment one slept after sunset (one was not allowed to eat or drink even if he awoke during the night). The following verse was revealed abrogating this restriction in Surah Baqarah : and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night) [2:187].


  1. A person  also  had  the  choice  of  fasting  or  paying fidyah  (feeding of the poor).

Allah Ta`ala says in the Qur’aan: Those who can fast have (a choice to fast or) to feed a poor person for every fast) [2:184].

This was abrogated by the following verse: Whosoever of you sights (the crescent on the  first  night  of)  the  month  (of  Ramadhaan)  must  observe  saum (fasting) that month.) [2: 185]. (Tafseer-e-Ahmadiyyah, Pg 38)

This is one tafseer (commentary) of the aayah that it was abrogated.  A second tafseer is that the verb يُطِيقُونَهُ is from the category of verbs on  the  scale  of  if`aal  whose  one  feature  is salb-e-ma’khaz  (negating the  meaning  of  the  root  word).  Taking  this  into  consideration,  the aayah  will  thus  mean  that  those  who  do  not  have  the  ability  to  fast should feed a poor person for each day. According to this tafseer the verse  is  not  abrogated,  rather  it  is  in  its  exact  and  precise  form  and refers to a very old person who is unable to fast. The option of fidyah(feeding  of  a  poor  person)  has  been  prescribed  for  him. (Noor-ul-Anwar, Pg 43)


Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat