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Q: When a lady makes Qadha of her Ramadaan fasts during Shawwal can she fast with the intention of the 6 fasts in Shawwal or must she fast the 6 fasts in Shawaal separately?

A: The Qadha fasts of Ramadhaan are in lieu of the Fardh which were missed whereas the 6 fasts of Shawwaal are Sunnat. The missed fasts cannot be kept with dual intention. One may execute Nafl

Ibaadat with multitude of other Nafl intentions, but not so with Fardh and Waajib. She should give first preference to her Qadha of Ramadhaan and thereafter, she may keep the 6 Shawwaal fasts.

Q: A person was mistakenly locked in his room and left alone in the house. The time for Salaat came and he had no water. He called out in vain for someone to come to his aid. The time of Salaat was elapsing. In this case was it permissible for him to make Tayammum and read his Salaah or not? If it was permissible, then will there be any Qadhaa of the Salaahread with Tayammum after being unlocked and water becoming available to him?

A: It is permissible to read Salaah with Tayammum in this case. After water becomes available the Salaat should be repeated.

Q: Is it permissible to make masah on the customary cotton and nylon socks worn nowadaysThe principle fardh in regard to the feet is washing. This is established by the categorical declaration of the Qur’aan. Masah on leather socks again is confirmed through numerous Ahadeeth. Now for application

of the masah rule to the cotton and nylon socks worn nowadays it is imperative that the socks are effective as leather socks and furthermore all the characteristics of the leather socks are established for the normal

socks beyond any doubt. It is obvious that the cotton/nylon socks generally worn nowadays do not have the characteristics of leather socks.

Therefore, masah on normal cotton and nylon socks will not be permissible.Salaat read whilst having made masah on such socks will not be valid.

Q: What is the mas-alah pertaining to skipping a Surah and reciting another Surah in the second Rakaat? A person read Surah Itha Jaa’a Nasrullahi … in the first Rakaat and Surah Qul Huwallaahu

Ahad in the second Rakaat. Is this in order?

It is best to recite the next Surah in the second Rakaat, Surah Tabbat Yadaa in the question. Omitting two or more Surahs in between is also perfectly permissible. In thecase of omitting just one Surah, if

the Surah omitted is much lengthier than the previous Surah then omitting this longer Surah will also be permissible without any karaahat (reprehensibility).

The instance of karaahat is when the Surah omitted is shorter or equal or only slightly longer than the previous Surah. In these cases it will be Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi to omit that Surah. This mas-alah applies to

Fardh Salaats, not to Nafl Salaats.

Q: I joined the Jamaat Salaat after the Imam had made one Salaam and I sat in Tashahhud. In this case when was I supposed to have stood up; after reciting Tashahhud or immediately after the Imam’s second Salaam?

A: In fact, it was obligatory upon you to stand up immediately, repeat your Takbeer-e-Tahreemi and start your Salaat afresh. The Tahreemah you made with the intention of joining the Jamaat

after the Imam made Salaam was not valid.

Q: Is it more meritorious to perform the two Rakaats Nafl after Witr sitting or standing? What is the Sunnat in this regard?

A: It is generally understood by even Ulama that performing the two Rakaats Nafl after Witr sitting is Sunnat. However, it is also reported that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) stood and

performed this Salaat. Hence standing is more meritorious (afdhal). Rasoolullah’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) sitting wa on account of his lengthy Qiraat and gradual weakness due to the age factor. Even in this condition after completing the Qiraat he would stand and then perform the rest of the Nafl as normal.

Q: A minor’s parents passed away. The child is left with only a Nana (maternal grandfather) and an elder sister. Who gets custody of the child?

A: The Nana is entitled to custody if he is able to look after the child. If, however, he is too old and frail to care for the child, then the elder sister of the child gains custody.

Q: Can a lady cut her hair? What is the meaning of Wafra in the Hadith? Could you please clarify.

A: It is Haraam for a woman to cut her hair. The Malaaikah curse such a woman who cuts her hair. Wafrah pertains to the length of men’s hair not of female’s hair.