Good Deeds, the Selfless and the Momentous Day of the Aakhirat

Reading Time: 3 minutes


In the Aakhirat nothing will avail one besides righteous deeds (A’maal-e-Saalihah). And don’t feel snug at one’s parents being pious. “They will share some of their good deeds with me.” There [in the Aakhirat] no one will be able to help another [without the permission of Allah].

An incident is mentioned in the Hadeeth Shareef of a person. On the Day of Qiyaamah one person’s good and bad deeds will be equal. The law there is that if one’s good deeds are more, then one will be a Jannati, and if one’s bad deeds are more, then one will be a Jahannami. And if both are equal then one will be left in A’raaf [a station between Paradise and Hellfire].

According to this law the man will be told: “Bring a good deed from somewhere and you will be dispatched to Jannat.”

The man will be beaming with joy, thinking: “I have my parents, my wife, my offspring and many friends and acquaintances. There should be no problem in getting a good deed from one of them.”

He will thus go and request from his dad a good deed. “I am in need of one act of good. You are my father. Take pity on me. Please give me one deed.”

The father will refuse point-blank. “My life is at stake here. How can I risk giving you a good deed,” the father will answer.

Mom will answer the same. Offspring will refuse bluntly. Friends and acquaintances will become abusive. In sheer despondency he will take the long walk back.

On the way he will meet a person who will have just a single good deed to his credit. This person [with just a single recorded good deed] will enquire: “Brother! What’s the matter? Why are you looking so distressed?”

“If there was a solution to my predicament I would have related it to you. But no one can avail me today,” he replied. “Everyone is gripped with fear for themselves. There is no benefit in relating my case to you. My parents, kids, relatives, friends and associates have all turned me down. What can you do?”

The stranger will respond: “Just tell me what is the matter. Who knows, perhaps I may be of some help.”

In short, after a lengthy deliberation he will reveal his predicament. “I badly need just one good deed,” he will say.

The stranger will reply: “I have one good deed only. It will not help me in any way due to the overwhelming number of my evil deeds. I am destined for Jahannam. This good deed of mine is akin to none. Take it for yourself. It will help you.”

Confused, the one in search of a good deed will exclaim: “Yaa Allah! Who is the big-hearted person who is parting with his good deed without consideration?”

Friends! There [in the Aakhirat] these spirited souls will stand out and extend their hands of munificence. They will be the ones who will take pity on others. Your father and your mother won’t help you. [In other words, help there will not be on account of parenthood, family-ties or friendship. Those who will come to the rescue of the distraught on that momentous day will be the selfless.]

In short, this person will return with the good deed beaming with joy and present it in the Divine-Court. According to the Law there, he will be forgiven, in view of his good deeds being greater.

Then the spirited stranger will be summoned and questioned: “What have you done? Why have you parted with your good deed? Do you have no concern for your salvation?”

He will humbly respond: “O Allah! I had just one good deed. I am aware that the law here dictates that I am a Jahannami. Thus, the good deed is of no benefit to me. Yes, if You forgive me out of Your Grace, then that is something else. But, in view of my forgiveness depending on Your Grace, not on my solitary good deed, then I saw no reason in breaking the heart of that poor person. I gifted my good deed to my fellow Muslim brother for him to attain forgiveness. My case, I left to the Mercy of Allah.”

His selflessness will earn him, too, forgiveness.