ENEMIES FROM WITHIN From different quarters of the globe, calls for the reinterpretation of the Qur’aan and its Shariah are being heard. Some of the enemies from within the fold of the Ummah call for the abolition of the Qur’aanic Penal Code which requires Rajm (Stoning for adultery) and Qat’ Yad (Cutting off the hand of thieves).
Other enemies call for the abrogation of the Qur’aanic concept of the superiority of man over woman. Some lesbians disguised as Muslims, advocate the appointment of female ‘imaams’ for Salaat in the way Christians have ordained females as bishops. Others again seek to extract Qur’aanic approval for homosexuality and same sex ‘marriages’ in exactly the same way as the morally and mentally deranged kuffaar proponents of vice and immorality are doing.
In brief, the call is to abolish the entire edifice of Islam reared on the foundations of the Qur’aan and Sunnah. However, inspite of this being the true goal of the enemies from within, the plot which is being orchestrated from without requires the retention of the Islamic label.
While the enemies from within acting under the aegis of their kuffaar handlers may be able to dupe and mislead some persons whom Divine Fate had decreed to don the mantle of irtidaad (i.e. becoming murtadd), there is no hope of ensnaring the masses who subscribe to unadulterated Islam despite their deviant and immoral practical life. The retention of the Islamic label is thus prudent and expedient for entrapping the masses into the cauldron of kufr which the enemies from within our ranks are brewing under instruction of their paymasters who dole out the dollars liberally in the conspiracy to subvert and destroy Islam.
SUBVERSION The ultimate goal of the global conspiracy against Islam is to destroy the Ummah. The surest and swiftest method for enacting the demise of the Ummah is the subversion of Islam. If Islam can be subverted and abolished, there remains then no Ummah of Islam.
In the same way as the West has achieved its goal of alienating a large number of university educated Muslims from Islam, it has initiated its conspiracy of alienating the masses from Islam by a devilish program of abolishing Islam. The foot soldiers which the western agencies of this conspiracy have recruited are the self-same university products of hybrid ‘Muslims’. The West has succeeded in hoisting these hybrid ’Muslims – the zindeeqs – in positions of governance to rule the lands of Islam. We thus have their agents (rulers of Muslims) and a myriad of others, all operating under cover of the Islamic label. The attempt is now to convert the Muslim masses to complete the plot for achievement of the goal.
One such enemy from within called for a ‘moratorium’ on Islamic punishments. This is indeed a subtle way of calling for the abolition of the Islamic penal system. The call is part of the Kufr plot to destroy Islam, but it has been cleverly presented to allay the fears of those of superficial brains. HANDLER The threats from within are in a variety of forms. But the handler is from outside. Tens of millions of dollars have been set aside to lure secular-minded Muslims into the conspiracy to initiate the program of kufr and irtidaad at various levels of Muslim society.
The enemies of Islam consist of different classes.
1) Those non-Muslim preachers and missionaries who actively propagate venom against Islam and Muslims.
2) The political leaders of the West whose eyes are set on the natural wealth and strategic geographical location of the lands of Islam.
3) The zindeeqs and mulhids (the heretics) who operate from inside the folds of the Ummah. Their desire is to unfetter themselves from the stringent restrictions of the Divine Shariah. They are generally the university-educated so-called intelligentsia.
4) Secularists who are in the pay of foreign western governments and intelligence agencies plotting to destroy Islam. Their aim is twofold: Money and shedding Islam which they believe has outlived its utility. While this category of enemy is also of the zindeeq class, they differ with class No. 3 in motivation. The secularist zindeeqs mentioned above, in No. 3 are motivated solely by their nafs. The desire is only gratification of the carnal desires which cannot achieve fulfilment while shackled to the Shariah. The zindeeqs in class 4 have an added agenda. Their aim, in addition to finding freedom for carnal expression, is the acquisition of money – large amounts of dollars – which their outside masters and handlers award munificently.
5) The Ulama-e-Soo’ (the Evil learned men) whose prime motive is hubb-e-jah (love of fame) and hubb-e-maal (love of wealth). This category of enemy is prone to accept the moneyoffers of the outside enemies. Although their intention may not be to destroy Islam, they are actively involved in the conspiracy for despicable motives of the nafs. About this category of enemy, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Verily, I fear for my Ummah Aimmah-e-mudhilleen (learned ones who mislead).” THE CHIEF The chief in charge of the whole league of Islam’s enemies, both inside and outside enemies – is shaitaan, himself. He employs a large variety of shayaateenul inse and shayaateenul jinn (human and jinn devils) to put into operation his plot to destroy Islam
AWAKE: 2008