Reading Time: 2 minutes


When it is a cardinal teaching of the Qur’aan and a fundamental belief of all Muslims of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat that we heralded from Jannat and that we have to again depart from earth to once again and everlastingly inhabit Jannat, then our intelligence will establish that this dunyaa (world) is but a mere phase – a temporary phase – a halt – a tavern – in which we have taken up temporary residence, awaiting for the call to depart and proceed with our onward journey to Jannat. Describing this temporary phase of the world, the Qur’aan Shareef says:

“And for you on earth is a temporary halt and employment (earning livelihood and arranging the affairs of the world) for a while (i.e. an appointed time)”.

The Qur’aan Shareef notifies us of our temporary occupation of earth and clearly informs us of our recall and return from this abode. Lest we forget the temporary nature of our stay as a result of engrossment in material endeavours, the Qur’aan repeatedly reminds us of the worthlessness of worldly material. Says the Qur’aan Shareef:

“Say (O Nabi!) The wealth (and material ) of the world is slight. And, the Aakhirat is best for those who fear (Allah Ta’ala)”.

“Know that, verily, the worldly life  is play, amusement, adornment, mutual pride and accumulation of wealth and children.”

“And, the life of the world is but play and amusement. And , Aakhirat is best for those who fear (Allah Ta’ala). What! Do you have no intelligence!”

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه والسلم:

“The world and everything therein is not worth the wing of a mosquito by Allah”.

The Qur’aan and the Hadith are replete with reminders and exhortations pointing out the futility of the world and the need to be on guard against the deception of worldly glitter which brings about forgetfulness of the Aakhirat:

“Wealth and sons are the glitter of the worldly life; and everlasting righteous deeds are best by your Rabb for sawaab and best for hope.”

As long as the understaning that the world is temporary and that we have to return to Jannat remains obscure and hazy to us, we will lack the initiative to fulfill the purpose for which Allah Ta’ala has created us and sent us here. As long as our attention remains diverted from the Aakhirat, the belief in our purpose of creation will remain a long, distant and remote belief.


As-Saadiqeen Islamic Centre