In The Divine Court There Is No Act Which Is More Acceptable

Reading Time: 2 minutes


In The Divine Court There Is No Act Which Is More Acceptable Than Such An Act Which Is Out Of The Mind and Which You Regard As Insignificant.

The deed which has greater acceptance by Allah Ta’ala is an act which the bandah understands to be from Allah. He discerns it with his heart and does not attribute it to himself, but viewing it with the heart’s eyes, he says: “If Allah Ta’ala does not wish that I render this deed, never will I be able to accomplish it.” He should not regard this deed as being of such significance whereby he can gain Divine Proximity.

On the contrary, he should consider it not worthy of acceptance in view of it emanating from himself. Such a deed finds ready acceptance in the Divine Court. Do not be vain on account of acts of obedience, labouring under the notion that such deeds are the effects of your willpower and choice. But, be happy thinking that you have been able to render the good deeds solely on account of the mercy, grace and ability granted by Allah Ta’ala.

In this regard Allah Ta’ala says: “Say: It is by the grace and decree of Allah. Thus be pleased with this.” When the bandah gives vent to exhilaration and feels proud of his acts of worship, thinking that he has rendered these by virtue of his choice and will, then he will be guilty of displaying ingratitude. The happiness of the bandah on account of having practised righteousness should be because he knows that he was able to render the deed by virtue of Allah’s grace, mercy and aid. He thus expresses his shukr (gratitude) to Allah Ta’ala Who had enabled him to execute the deed of virtue.

In this regard, Allah Ta’ala commanded: “O Muhammad! (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Say, be pleased with only the grace and mercy of Allah. Do not be pleased with something else.” When the bandah deals in cash regarding his acts of obedience, Allah does not respond with a credit reward, i.e. He does not delay the reward until Qiyaamah.


Ikmaalush Shiyam