A Buzrug narrated that once he saw a crowd of people being treated by a physician who was examining each one and prescribing remedies for their sicknesses. The Buzrug also went to him and requested to be examined. The physician felt his pulse and for a few moments hung his head in contemplation.
Then he said: “The prescription for you is that you adopt Sabr (patience), Tawaadhu’ (humility), Yaqeen (firm conviction in beliefs), Khauf (fear for Allah Ta’ala), Hayaa (shame), Huzan (grief), Muraaqabah (contemplation), Ridha’ (to be pleased with Allah Ta’ala in all circumstances), Tawakkul (trust reposed on Allah), Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness), and Sidq (truth/honesty).
Then with Taqwa (fear for Allah Ta’ala) totally abstain from Hirs (avarice) and Tama’ (desire).
Insha’Allah, you will regain your health.”