Gumnaami (being unknown) and Shuhrat (popularity) – Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah alayh)

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Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah alayh) emphasized much the cultivation of gumnaami (i.e. being unknown). As far as possible abstain from shuhrat (popularity).

However, this abstention applies to such popularity which a man actively connives to have. If the popularity comes of its own accord, then it is a ni’mat (blessing). This type of popularity is not harmful. There are specific virtues and benefits in such popularity. (However, only a man whose Islaah has been done will be saved from even the harms of this type of popularity. He will develop vanity and pride. Then all evils attendant to Takabbur will ruin him.)

Gumnaami is a condition of great aafiyat (safety and protection). Therefore one should to the best of one’s ability refrain from schemes to gain fame/popularity. (Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi)