The fatherly pain of Ebrahim عليه السلام

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Everyone will struggle in this worldly life and experience pain. Aazar, the father of Ebrahim عليه السلام, felt a fatherly pain when his son was thrown into a blazing fire. Later on, his son Ebrahim عليه السلام felt a fatherly pain when his own son, Ismail عليه السلام, was about to be sacrificed. Both experienced pain, but Aazar’s loyalty was with Shaytaan. His pain was rooted in the desire to worship idols. Thus, his pain was sinful. Ibrahim’s pain was for the sake of Allah. Though he loved his son, His desire to follow the command of Allah was far greater. Thus, his pain was rewarding.

Life will present many options before us, some push us towards Allah and some pull us away. Regardless of which path we take, there will be some sacrifice and pain required to undergo that path. It is our choice for whom we experience pain. If it’s for the wrong reasons, we will be in pain again in the hereafter. If it’s for the right reasons, we will be paid in aakhirah. Either we choose the path of Aazar, or the path of Ebrahim عليه السلام.

May Allah grant us the wisdom to choose properly, aameen.

— Shaykh Dawood Seedat حفظه اللّٰه