Why Do We Ask, “Is It A Kabeerah (Big) Sin Or A Sagheerah (Small) Sin”? Hazrat Maulana Maseehullah (Rahmatullahi alaih)

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Is Our bond with Allah Strong? (Part -1)

by Shaikh Maseehullah Khan Saheb Hazrat(Rahmatullahi alaih)

Nature of our relationship with Allah:
We entertain the misconception that our relationship with Allah Taala is merely legal / constitutional, i.e. we are legally obliged to obey Him.

It is because of this misconception that we regard as sufficient the discharge of Fara’idh and Wajibat (compulsory duties of Islam), and neglect the Mustahabat (Sunnahs and Nafil), regarding them as unimportant.

If our link with Allah Taala was a bond of Muhabbah (love) and devotion, then we would never have been satisfied with only the Fara’idh and the Wajibat, but would have been in the constant search of Mustahabat (in order to get closer to Allah!).

We would then have hastened to everything which Allah Taala loves and which is pleasing to Him. And, on the other hand we would have remained miles away from acts which are displeasing to Him.

If our relationship with Allah Taala was a bond of love and devotion we would not have investigated whether an act is detestable in a higher or lower degree (as people are in the habit of asking if such an act is haraam or ‘only makrooh’?, the motive underlying the enquiry being the desire to indulge in it if it is makrooh, a lesser detestation than haraam).

For the ashiq (lover of Allah) it suffices that he knows the things and acts which displease his Mahboob (beloved). This knowledge is sufficient as a deterrent against the commission of acts displeasing to Allah Taala.

The ashiq does not probe the degree of displeasure, i.e. whether an act is greatly displeasing or slightly displeasing. His disposition is to refrain totally from all factors of displeasure, be these slight or great. To the ashiq all cases of displeasure are grave regardless of whether such displeasure results in slight annoyance or severe punishment.

Why do we ask, “Is it a kabeerah (big) sin or a sagheerah (small) sin”?

Our condition now has degenerated to the degree of indifference where we enquire into the nature of the sin in view to practice it. Once it is known that a certain act is sinful, we pose the question: is it a kabeerah (big) sin or a sagheerah (smaller) sin?

 This attitude is a clear indication that our relationship with Allah Taala has weakened considerably, although not totally, for even this question (viz.. probing the degree of gravity of a sin) is proof of some bond (though weak) with Allah Taala. At least that much connection with Allah Taala remains that the perpetrator of the sin is not prepared to invite the greater displeasure of Allah.

If even this (weakened) bond was non-existent, then this question would not have occurred… the question of minor and major sin. It is therefore plain that there is yet fear for the major sins in view of considerable Divine displeasure ensuing in the wake of its commission.

However, because of the weakness of our bond with Allah Taala, displeasure of a lesser degree is considered acceptable and agreeable.

The question: “Is this a major or a minor sin”?, is evidence of the existance of our bond with Allah Taala as well as evidence of the weakness of that bond.
Those who are in this habit of posing this question will be delighted from the aforegoing explanation that their relationship with Allah Taala has been acknowledged. To a degree this delight is justified since it shows the existance of Imaan (faith). But only a mere existance of a weak bond is not enough.

To be continued…inshaAllah