Virtues Of Shahaadah In The Path Of Allah – Part 2
—-continued from Virtues Of Shahaadah In The Path Of Allah – Part 1
11 – Levels of Shuhadaa`:
“The best of the Shuhadaa` are those who fight in the frontlines, and do not turn away their faces until they are killed. They will be thrown into the highest rooms of Paradise, and Allah will laugh at them. And when your Lord laughs at a slave in a certain instance, then there is no account for him” [Ahmad with Saheeh chain (Saheeh al-Jami 1118)]
12 – There are three types of those killed:
“There are three types of those killed. A Mu`min man (a firm believer), who makes Jihad with his wealth and his self in the Path of Allah until he meets the enemy and fights them until he is killed. Then that is the Shaheed who has been tested[to be] in the camp of Allah under His Throne. The Prophets are not better than him, except by the level of Prophethood.
And a man who oppresses his soul with sins and errors, who makes Jihad with his self and his wealth in the Path of Allah, until he meets the enemy and fights until he is killed. Then that is Mumasmasatun (a purifier) that expiates his sins and errors. Indeed, the sword wipes away errors. And he enters [Paradise] from any of the gates of Paradise he wishes. For indeed [the Paradise] has eight gates, and the Hell has seven gates, and some [of the gates] are better than others.
And a hypocrite man, who makes Jihad with his self and his wealth, until he meets the enemy and fights in the Path of Allah until he is killed, then indeed he is in the Hellfire. Verily, the sword does not wipe off an-Nifaaq (hypocrisy)” [Ahmad with Hasan chain, and Ibn Hibbaan classified it Saheeh]
13 – Which killed person is the best?
The Prophet – may the Salaah and the Salaam of Allah be upon him – was asked: “Which killed person is the best?” He replied, “The one whose blood flows and whose limbs are cut [with the sword] in the Path of Allah”. [Ahmad, Abu Dawud and the narrators are trustworthy]
14 – Master of the Shuhadaa`:
“The master of the Shuhadaa` is Hamzah Ibn `Abdul-Muttalib, and a man who stands up to a tyrannical ruler, and orders him [with good] and forbids him [from wrong], due to which [the ruler] kills him” [Hasan, reported by al-Haakim and adh-Dhiyaa`]
15 – The Soul of the Martyr Eats from the Fruits of Paradise:
“Verily, the souls of the Shuhadaa` are in the hearts of green birds, that eat from the fruits of the Paradise” [Saheeh, reported by at-Tirmidhi from Ka’b Ibn Malik, and it is also in Saheeh al-Jami #1555]
16 – “Bury the killed in the places where they fought” [Saheeh, reported by the four from Jaabir, and it is also in Saheeh al-Jami # 247]
17 – “There are five (deaths) due to which a person is a Shaheed:
The one killed in the Path of Allah is Shaheed, the one who drowns in the Path of Allah is a Shaheed, the one who dies due to stomach illness in the Path of Allah is a Shaheed, the one who dies of plague in the Path of Allah is a Shaheed, and the woman who died in childbirth is a Shaheedah” [Saheeh, reported by an-Nisaa`i from `Uqbah Ibn Naafi’. Also found in Saheeh al-Jami #3249]
18 – “Whoever sincerely asks Allah for Shahaadah:
Allah raises him to the levels of the Shuhadaa`, even if he dies on his bed” [Saheeh, reported by Muslim and the four from Sahl bin Haneef. Also in Saheeh al-Jami’ #6152]
Seeking martyrdom with sincerity means making preparation for it as Allah said: “If they really intended to go out [in Jihad] they would have made some preparation” (9:46)
19 – “One who falls down from his beast then he is a Shaheed”
[Saheeh, at-Tabarani from Uqbah bin Nafi’. Also in Saheeh al-Jami #6212]
Also, in the Hadeeth of Umm Haraam bint Milhaan, “she went out [for Jihad] with her husband, `Ubaadah bin as-Saamit, on the first naval expedition by the Muslims lead by Mu’awiyah. When they turned back from their expedition, returning home, and anchored at ash-Shaam, her beast was brought near to her so that she may mount, but she fell and died.” [al-Bukhari]
This Hadeeth is also a proof for the fact that the ruling of the one returning from Jihad is the ruling of the one going to Jihad.