The Life of Hakeemul Ummat (19)
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In his student days he would stay at the boarding of the Madrasah notwithstanding that in Deoband some of his distant family were also residing there. Often they would urge Hazrat to have meals at their home. They would say that it is his home; there is no need for formalities. Leave alone meals, he would not even associate with them considering it to be squandering time.
This much was sufficient for him and as long as he studied in Deoband he never went to any family member. Thus he would say:
Generally in educational institutions special and light-hearted gatherings and get-togethers are organized where students freely engage in fun and games. He would, however, avoid participation of such occasions to his utmost.
In addition, he was in the habit of remaining in solitude which is imperative during student years. Otherwise, through disturbances one’s studies cannot be carried out at ease and with peace.
5.11 Abstention from Squandering of Time
In his student days he would stay at the boarding of the Madrasah notwithstanding that in Deoband some of his distant family were also residing there. Often they would urge Hazrat to have meals at their home. They would say that it is his home; there is no need for formalities. Leave alone meals, he would not even associate with them considering it to be squandering time.
Finally after much persistence from their side he wrote to his honourable father as he did not wish to do anything without the prior consent of his father. The thought also occurred to him that his relatives may complain about him to his father, therefore he wrote. In response his father wrote the following caution:
“Did you go there for family ties or for Ilm?”
This much was sufficient for him and as long as he studied in Deoband he never went to any family member. Thus he would say:
“Al-Hamdulillah! Just as I went there unscathed I returned after five years unscathed. When I completed my studies then without any restraint I went to meet all my relatives and I even accepted their invitations to meals. Prior to this I did not associate with anyone, neither with relatives nor with students and nor with the townsfolk. If anyone wished to strike up a relationship with me I would ignore the person for which people regarded me to be haughty, whereas, this was not the case. Actually I loathed squandering my time in futility.”