Reading Time: 2 minutes۔۔۔
“And those who struggle and strive in Our Way, most certainly We will guide them to the Paths leading to Us.” (Qur’aan)
Compiled from the Teachings and Writings of Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Jalalabadi and Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Quddisa Sirruhuma
- Fanaa-fi-Shaikh (Immolation of one’s self at the altar of the Shaikh’s direction)
• I’tiqaad (Faith)—To believe that this Shaikh’s ta’leem and tarbiyat (teachings and training) are the most beneficial to one in the whole wide world.
• I’timaad (Confidence)—To be confident in the ta’leem and tarbiyat of the Shaikh to the extent that one does not exercise one’s own opinions and ideas.
- Mutaala’ah (Study)
• Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part One—Thrice the whole kitaab and thereafter the Chapter of Akhlaaq; i.e. the detestable traits and the praiseworthy traits applying what is read to one’s life and judging oneself in hypothetical situations.
• Lectures of Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih). In his encyclopaedia of Mawaa’iz one will find a wa’z of Hazrat Thanwi on every station of this incredible sojourn to Allah Ta’ala.
• Malfoozaat of Hazrat Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih)
• Mawaa’iz and Malfoozaat of Hazrat Maseehul Ummat (Rahmatullahi alaih)
• Writings and compilations of Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat and Hazrat Maseehul Ummat (Alaihimar Rahmah)
• Ashrafus Sawaanih
• Hayaat-e-Maseehul Ummat
• Behishti Zewar
Note: Shariat wa Tasawwuf, Behishti Zewar and one of the remaining kitaabs on the list are compulsory for daily study.
- Payment of Debts
• Debts owed to people
• Outstanding Zakaat, Fitrah, etc.
- Huqooqullah (Rights Owed to Allah)
• Discharging of all Qazaa Salaat and Sowm
• Absolute obedience to the Shariat
- Huqooqul Ibaad (Rights Owed to the Creation of Allah Ta’ala)
• Study Huqooqul Islam of Moulana Thanwi and daily take stock of rights due to others.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z titled Khairul Irshaad li Huqooqil Ibaad (A Noble Instruction in regard to the Rights of Allah’s Creation).
- Muhaasabah (Stocktaking)
• Daily reflect over your actions and deeds. Express shukr over a good deed and resolve to continue with it. Express Towbah over an evil deed and resolve to abstain from it.
- Muraaqaba-e-Mowt (Meditation on Death)
• Daily reflect on death and the events to transpire thereafter.
• Alternatively study a kitaab on the events of Mowt and the stages thereafter. Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyyah’s Zikr-e-Mowt translated into the English language with the title Remembrance of Death is a valuable kitaab in this regard.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z Muraaqabatul Ardh (Meditation on the Earth).
To be continued in shaa Allah