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Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran: “Most certainly, salaat prevents evil and sins.” In other words, there is so much of barakah in offering salaat in the proper manner that the one who is regular in his salaat abstains from sins. Although this barakah could be attained from other forms of ibaadah, salaat has a special influence in this regard and has the highest position in effecting this. However, it is necessary that the salaat be performed in the best manner according to the sunnah. The greatness of Allah Ta’ala should be found in the heart of the musalli. He must be filled with internal and external peace of mind and humility. He should not look around him. The more perfect his salaat, the more barakah he will attain. There is no form of ibaadah more beloved to Allah Ta’ala than salaat. It is therefore incumbent upon a Muslim to fulfil this ibaadah, which stops one from all evils and saves one from jahannarn, with absolute commitment. He should never miss his salaat.

1. Hadrat Imam Hasan Basri rahmatullahi alayh narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “The person who offered a salaat which did not stop him from shameless and sinful deeds; then such a person did not progress in anything except distancing himself from Allah Ta’ala.” Because of this salaat, he will not attain nearness and reward from Allah Ta’ala. Instead, he will move further away from Allah Ta’ala. This is the punishment for not valuing and not fulfilling the rights of such a beloved ibaadah. From this we can deduce that the criterion of gauging whether the salaat has been accepted or not is that by offering salaat, the musalli should abstain from sins. If he coincidentally commits a sin, he should immediate­ ly repent.

2. Hadrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud radiallahu anhu narrates from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that without doubt the· salaat of that musalli is not accepted (and he does not receive the reward ·even though he is absolved of this duty and at times even gets some reward) who does not obey salaat. The effect and criterion of obeying salaat is that it prevents him from shameful and sinful deeds.

3. It is mentioned in a Hadith that a person came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and remarked: “There is a certain person who spends the night in offering salaat, but in the morning he steals.” Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied: “Certainly salaat will soon prevent him from this act which you are mentioning.” (i.e. he will give up stealing and abstain from sins)

4. Hadrat Ubaadah bin Saamit radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “When a person makes a complete wudu (according to the sunnah) and offers his salaat in a perfect manner – making his ruku and sajdahs properly and reciting the Quran in the correct manner – then salaat addresses him saying: ‘May Allah Ta’ala protect you as you have protected me.’ (i.e. you fulfilled my rights and did not trample over them). Thereafter, that salaat rises towards the heavens in a state of illumination and light. The gates of heaven are opened for it (so that it may enter and be accepted). When a person does not make a complete wudu, nor does he fulfil his ruku, sajdahs, and qira’at in the proper manner – then salaat addresses him saying: ‘May Allah discard you as you have discarded me.’ It then rises towards the heavens in a state of darkness. The gates of heaven are closed (so that it cannot enter and be rejected). This salaat is then folded just as an old useless cloth is folded. It is then flung onto the face of the musalli (i.e. it is not accepted and he does not receive the reward for it).”

5. Hadrat Abdullah bin Mughaffal radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “The biggest thief is the one who steals in his salaat.” He was asked: “O Rasulullah ! How does he steal in his salaat?” He replied: “He is the person who does not fulfil his ruku and sajdahs properly. And the most miserly person is he who does not reply to a salaam.”

In other words, not to fulfil the rights of such an ibaadah which is so simple and has such a high status as salaat, is in fact a big theft and extremely sinful. The Muslims should be ashamed that they have been addressed in such evil terms for not offering their salaat in the proper manner.

6. Hadrat Anas bin Maalik radiallahu anhu narrates that once Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out and saw a person offering his salaat in the musjid in such a manner that he was not fulfilling his ruku and sajdahs completely. On seeing this, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remarked: “The salaat of a person who does not make his ruku and sajdahs completely is not accepted.”

7. Hadrat Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “If anyone of you owned these pillars, you would have found it detestable if these were destroyed. So why do you do such things which destroy your salaat which is specially for Allah Ta’ala. You should offer your salaat in the proper manner because Allah Ta’ala only accepts that which is complete and proper.” (i.e. He does not accept sala­ at and all other forms of ibaadah which have not been fulfilled in the proper manner).

Source: Heavenly Ornaments – Behishti Zewar

To be continued Inshaa Allah..