24 Etiquettes of Speech (1-8)
1.) Some people do not speak clearly. They speak ambiguously and with formality. They hint whilst speaking. The listener sometimes does not get the message clearly and sometimes he understands wrongly. This causes much inconvenience. Therefore, speak clearly, without ambiguity.
2.) Speak from in front of a person, not from behind. Speaking from behind a person is perplexing.
3.) When renewing a request to a person, then mention it fully inspite of it having been stated before. Do not express yourself incompletely or ambiguously relying on an earlier explanation. It is possible that the earlier explanation has been partly forgotten; hence the listener may misunderstand the request if it is renewed without clarity.
4.) Some people sitting at the back in a gathering clear their throats or cough in order to attract attention to themselves. If there is a real need to say something, go in front and in appropriate manner explain. However this should not be done unnecessarily. It is improper to disturb a person involved in some work. Wait for the person to complete his task, then address him.
5.) When one topic is still being discussed, do not commence another.
6.) When asked about something, reply in full, without ambiguity. Do not reply with confusing statements which necessitate repeated questioning.
7.) If you have to speak privately about a person who happens to be present, do not indicate this to another by means of the sign of the hand or eye. Do not let him realize that you are at all discussing him. This will apply if the discussion regarding him is permissible. If the discussion is not lawful, then discussing him will be sinful.
8.) Futile speech hardens the heart even if the talk is permissible.