بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
All praises are due only unto Allah Subhaanahu Wata’aala “Who created Man from a clot of blood and thereafter taught him what he knew not.” Durood and Salaams be upon Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam who said:
“No parent has given anything better to his children than Adab”. (Knowledge and Respect)
Our Institution is situated in the farming area called De Deur, which is situated 8 kms from Roshnee on the main Vereeniging – Jo’burg road. This Madrasah was previously based in Lenasia and has been in existence for the past thirty five years. Alhamdulillah, with the Fadl of Allah Ta’aala, it has produced more than five hundred Huffaaz and Ulama.
May Allah Ta’ala accept all of them for the service of His Deen. (Ameen)
Every parent loves his child and simply wants the very best of everything for him in life. Undoubtedly, the best gift which a parent could bequeath to his child is the Qur’aan Majeed and the knowledge of Deen. This gift will most certainly be a lifelong source of Blessing and a genuine means of success in both this World as well as the everlasting Aakhirah.
In the eyes of Allah Ta’aala and his Beloved Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, the Huffaaz of the Holy Qur’aan and the Ulama are the best of all creation:
“The best amongst you is he who learns and teaches the Holy Qur’aan.” (Hadith)
Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam also said that those who learn the Holy Qur’aan are the family of Allah Ta’aala.
Allahu Akbar! What a great honour!
We are pleased that you may be intending to send your child to learn Deen. We are happy that you wish to sacrifice him in the Path of Allah Ta’aala. For this we salute you.
We are determined, with the Fadl of Allah Ta’aala, to give your child the best Deeni education and to inculcate in him a lofty character. However, in order to achieve our desired goals, there are certain rules and regulations which need to be carefully noted.
General Information
Rules & Regulations (38 pages)
Staying in Program (1 page)
Taleem system ( 2 pages)
Tarbiat System (14 pages)
Recreation (3 pages)
Communication – (1 page)
Madrasah Pictures
Calendar/Year Planner 1446/2025
The Virtues of becoming an Aalim
Conditions for Admission to become an Aalim
20 Reasons to Become an Aalim/Scholar
Who is a True Moulana and a True Aalim
The Aalim Syllabus
Aalim Application Form
Admissions for students is open
You are welcome to contact us via email if you would like to be placed on a waiting list
Contact email: ulama@thejamiat.co.za
Last updated 25/11/2024