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Q: Can I use a spying software to monitor what my daughter (22 yrs) is doing through her navigating and chatting while on the Internet?

A: It is compulsory upon parents to monitor their children’s use of the Internet. Therefore, you may install a spying software to capture your daughter’s use of the Internet.

Q: A man struck up an illicit affair with a woman. Driven by insane lust he took a qasam to give her a certain amount on a monthly basis. He has now come to his senses and wishes to sever his relationship with the woman. Is he still obligated to give the monthly sum over which he took an oath?

A: The oath was over a haraam and sinful act. Therefore, it is waajib to break the oath. If he does not break the oath he will be sinful. In other words, he has to incumbently and immediately sever all relations with her and not give her the monthly sum. In lieu of the broken oath he will have to compulsorily give kaffaarah which is feeding ten poor Muslims or giving each one the equivalent of the Fitrah amount. If he opts to feed, then he may feed ten poor baaligh Muslims two meals or alternately feed one poor baaligh Muslim two meals for ten days.

Q: Is it permissible for Ustaadh’s to take work from their students?

A: Yes this is proven from the Ahadeeth. Hazrat Anas Radiallahu anhu was sent to Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam for his khidmat by his mother. By doing chores for the Ustaadh the student becomes accustomed to responsibilities. The Ustaadh does not need the khidmat, it is the student who needs to do it for his own goodness.

Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol 23 pg. 271

Q: Zayd passed away leaving behind two (2) sons, Bakr and Amr and four (4) daughters. Bakr and Amr divided the property between them. The four sisters were not paid their shares. After many years, Bakr and Amr passed away. Their sons Abdullah and Abdur-Rahmaan (grandchildren of Zayd) reach an agreement in which Abdullah purchased Abdur-Rahmaan’s half share of the property. Kindly comment on the above according to Shari’ah.

A: Upon the demise of Zayd, his Estate which includes the property in question will be divided according to the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance. Bakr and Amr have acted incorrectly by dividing the property between themselves without the consent of their sisters. Therefore, the subsequent purchase and sale agreement between Abdullah and Abdur-Rehmaan is null and void. The property should revert to Zayd’s Estate and be distributed according to the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance. Should any heir be paid the value of his/her share, then the present market value should be considered.