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Faqeehul Ummah Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Sahib رحمه الله has written that towards the end of his life, Moulana Ahmad Shah Sahib رحمه الله suffered some type of a sickness which affected his bladder. He passed urine by using a tube attached to a bottle, which he held in his hands. He even had to travel in this condition.

Someone once asked Moulana Ahmad Shah Sahib رحمه الله; “What is the cause of this sickness?”

He lamented; “My evil actions.”

Puzzled, the questioner asked; “What evil actions are you talking about?”

Hazrat Moulana رحمه الله replied; “For years on end, I was able to pass urine a few times in a day with ease and comfort. However, not once did this ungrateful tongue of mine ever express gratitude to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله for this favour of His. Which action can be more evil than this? Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله has warned us of His punishment for ingratitude:
ولئن كفرتم ان عذابى لشديد
‘And if you are ungrateful, indeed My punishment is severe.’ (Surah Ibrāhīm: Verse 7).”

(Discourses Of Faqeehul Ummah – Soul Searching And Following The Sunnah, Page 5)