The Significance of Tilaawat of the Qur’aan in Ramadhaan – Hazrat Moulana Thanwi (rahmatullah alayh)

Reading Time: 2 minutes


So, this is the essence of the Qur’aan and the essence of Salaat which is mentioned in:
اَقِمَِ اَلصَّلوةَ لَِذِكْرِىَْ
[Establish Salaat for My remembrance].

Understand it in this manner. Recitation of the Qur’aan is part of Salaat. Thus, what the essence of Salaat is, it will be the essence of all its parts including the Qiraat-part. In fact, this [Qiraat] is such a significant part that no other part can substitute it.
Other Arkaan [elements of Salaat] have their substitutes, not it [Qiraat], to the extent that one who cannot recite it is ordered to make do with Takbeer and Tahleel [saying Allahu Akbar and Laa Ilaaha Illallah]. This may raise the doubt of it being the substitute of the Qur’aan; however, look; this Takbeer and Tahleel are also portions of the Qur’aan, as Allah Ta’ala states:
وَلَذِكْرُ اَللهِ اَكَْبََُْ
See, there is Takbeer in it. In many places اَلحَْمْدُ لََِِِّ appears. سُبْحَانََََ
الله also comes.
Thus, in view of this [Qiraat] being a significant part, its essence will also be Zikr. This explanation establishes the exclusive nature of Namaaz.
Now, the Qur’aan remains. Well, the Qur’aan is specially connected to Ramadhaan from the very beginning.
شَهْرُ رَََمَضَانََ اَلَّذِى اَُنْزِلََ فَِيْهَِ اَلْقُرْآنََُ

”The Month of Ramadhaan is that month in which the Qur’aan was revealed.”

This proves its exclusiveness in so far as the Revelation is concerned.

Another peculiarity [of the Qur’aan to the month of Ramadhaan] is that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would make dor [revise] to Jibraeel (Alaihis Salaam) in Ramadhaan.
Furthermore, the Fuqaha have written that it is Masnoon [Sunnat] to make a khatm [completion] of one Qur’aan in Taraaweeh.
Also, we learn from all these Nusoos [Qur’aan and Hadeeth declarations] that Tilaawat [recitation] of the Qur’aan in Ramadhaan is even more desired. This was the Shar’i peculiarity [of Tilaawat of the Qur’aan to the month of Ramadhaan].

A peculiarity by nature is that in this month every person becomes inclined to the Qur’aan. Hence, I consider it [Tilaawat] more meritorious for the Zaakireen [mureeds in the Khaanqah] than Zikr [i.e. the special forms of Zikr prescribed by the Shaikh to his Mureedeen]. I don’t mean that Zikr should not be made; it should be continued, however, mostly Tilaawat of the Qur’aan should be made.

The reason for this is that all twelve months are equal in relation to Zikr, whereas reciting the Qur’aan in Ramadhaan brings one special blessings. Just as when one goes to Makkah one should make excessive Tawaaf—one should engage in other Ibaadaat as well, but mostly Tawaaf—similar is the case with the Qur’aan in Ramadhaan.

These are the Ibaadats of Ramadhaan. Thus discharge these Ibaadats with their appearances and essences. In other words, carry them out with attention.
In any case, this was the essence of Salaat which Allah Ta’ala states:

اَقَِمِ اَلصَّلوة لَِذَِكْرِيَْ
“Establish Namaaz for My remembrance.”
I now conclude my topic. Make Du’a unto Allah Ta’ala for towfeeq to make amal. Aameen.