Once while travelling on foot through the desert, Hadhrat Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullah alayh) was overcome with intense thirst. Soon he saw a well in the distance.
A few springbucks were drinking of the well’s water which had reached the surface.
When Hadhrat Maalik approached the well, the bucks scattered and fled.
When he reached the well, he saw that the water had receded to the bottom of the well.
He drew water with the rope and bucket, and supplicated: “O my Rabb! The bucks neither make Ruku’ nor Sajdah, yet You gave them water at the surface whilst I had to draw water which was a hundred metres below the surface.”
A Voice proclaimed: “O Maalik! The Springbucks reposed tawakkul on Us whilst you reposed trust on the bucket and the rope.”