What the Morrow holds is known to only Allah Ta’ala

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BETWEEN FEAR AND HOPE There are numerous similar episodes (as the two on these pages) in the history of Islam, which provide ibrat (sombre lesson) for us. Many non- Muslims had entered the fold of Islam, and conversely many born Muslims and some saints (walis) had abandoned the Deen and left Islam for eternal damnation. They became murtadds.

No one has the guarantee of the safety of his Imaan. What the morrow holds is known to only Allah Ta’ala. Similarly, no non-Muslim may be despised because the one who despises has no guarantee that the non-Muslim will depart from this world with kufr. Guidance arrives from only Allah Ta’ala, and He also snatches away the wealth of Imaan from any proud and arrogant person He wills.

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Imaan is suspended between fear and hope.” When we are subsisting in such a dangerous scenario, there can be neither space in the heart nor time for hating any person, be he/she a non- Muslim. Despise no one. Always supplicate for the safety of Imaan – that Allah Ta’ala takes us from this dunya with Imaan intact.


The Majlis Vol. 22 no. 03