Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The niyyat (intention) of the Mu‟min is better than his deed (i.e. good deed).”
When a buzrug saw Hadhrat Ibraahim Ibn Adham (rahmatullah alayh) in a dream, he asked: „Hadhrat, how did you fare by Allah? ‟ Hadhrat Ibn Adham replied: “Allah Ta‟ala has forgiven me. I am in great comfort and happiness. However, my neighbour has surpassed me although he had never engaged in the moral and spiritual struggles in which I was engaged.
He (the neighbour) was a man with a family. Due to his family commitments he performed only the essential requisites of the Deen. His time was occupied in earning the livelihood of his family. But, he always yearned: „I wish I was as free as Ibraahim Bin Adham. I too will then become engrossed in the Thikr of Allah Ta‟ala as he is.”
His entire life passed in caring for his family and in yearning for free time to devote to Thikrullaah. After he died, Allah Ta‟ala bestowed to him such ranks which I envy. Despite the paucity of his virtuous deeds, Allah Ta‟ala elevated him to these lofty stages on the basis of his sincere intention.”