Direction with a Destination

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The commands of Allah Ta’ala never change. They are perfect and thus there is no room for any improvement. The Sunnat of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is also perfect and never changes. Our Deen is thus one set code of laws with a perfect way of implementation. If we bring our lives in accordance to Deen, then there will be peace, tranquillity, contentment, direction, focus and meaning in our lives.

On the other hand the system and laws of the material world keep on changing. The material world runs on the intelligence of man which is deficient, thus there is always a need to change and to improve on itself. If we allow the material world to govern our lives, then unfortunately there will be restlessness, confusion and instability in our lives. At times we will be bowing down to a certain country, then to some fashion and trend and then suddenly to some new culture and custom. In the process we have lost our life without having made any progress towards our real destination.

Diamond for a Stone

People generally abandon their own culture and identity, and they borrow from cultures of others due to following their base desires or for some personal benefit or due to having an inferiority complex. As Muslims we need to remind ourselves that all the temporary pleasures of this world will one day come to an end. Eternal enjoyment is only in Paradise.  We also need to remind ourselves that Allah Ta’ala, our creator, knows what is most beneficial for us. Thus all our benefits lie in the teachings of Islam.

Lastly it is impossible for a Muslim to regard the ways of others to be better and to thus feel inferior, because Allah Ta’ala has chosen only the best for His last Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), and we are the followers of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Let us not be like that child who gave away his priceless diamond for a shiny stone, that we give away our valuable Deen and Sunnat for some fancy fashion, or some alien culture.