An Amazing Incident Regarding the Effectiveness of the Divine Names

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Hajjâj had ordered the execution of Hadrat Hasan Basri ̨. When the executor lifted his sword, Hadrat Hasan ̨ read, “Yâ Bâtinu” (O the Concealed Being!). The effect of this divine attribute caused him to become invisible (despite him being present). The executor was unable to see him. Consequently, he lowered his sword. Hadrat Hasan ̨ then read, “Yâ Zâhiru” (O the Manifest Being). The effect of this divine attribute caused him to become visible. The executor lifted his sword for the second time. Hadrat Hasan ̨ repeated, “Yâ Bâtinû” and became invisible. When he lowered his sword, Hadrat Hasan ̨ again repeated, “Yâ Zâhiru” and became visible. This happened several times. Finally, Hajjâj freed Hadrat Hasan ̨, sought his forgiveness and requested for his du’âs.

This proves that the creation acquires divine favours through the Beautiful Names of the Creator. Consequently, the
mashâ’ikh (elders) prescribe the repetition of the divine attribute of “Yâ Bâsitu” (O the Expander) for increase of sustenance. For protection, “Yâ Hafîzu” (O the Protector) and for winning a law suit “Yâ Azîzu” (O the Mighty) is prescribed. Hence, divine help is sought through these beautiful divine attributes. However, the natural ability to draw divine help should be to the degree of yaqîn (strong conviction). The Sûfis (mystics) therefore encourage a connection with these divine attributes by prescribing the dhikhr of “Allâh” or “Allâhû Allâh” or “La ilâha illallâh”. Sometimes they prescribe “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billâh” to turn creation away from creation. [Fadlulbâri, vol. 2, pg 73]