The Life of Hakeemul Ummat (35)
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Similarly, he formulated a special course for students wanting in time entitling it Zamaanut Takmeel fee Zamaanit Ta’jeel [Guarantee of Completion in Quick Time]. For this he had to author ten new kitaabs which collectively are known as Talkheesaat-e-Ashr [The Ten Condensations].
7.12 The Importance of Ma’qoolaat
For the good of students Hazrat Thanwi was very desirous that students, as a matter of must, be acquainted with ma’qoolaat. It was his view that:
“If just one kitaab of Mantiq [Logic] is studied from me then there remains hardly any need for any other kitaab [of the rational sciences]. Through Mantiq one becomes adept.”
Therefore, even after giving up formal teaching it was Hazrat’s practice in his stay in Thanabawan to teach the first text-book [of Mantiq], at least, to his close acquaintances. They would thus be well versed with Mantiq. Then they would not falter in any other kitaab.
7.13 Curriculum for Students Lacking Time
Similarly, he formulated a special course for students wanting in time entitling it Zamaanut Takmeel fee Zamaanit Ta’jeel [Guarantee of Completion in Quick Time]. For this he had to author ten new kitaabs which collectively are known as Talkheesaat-e-Ashr [The Ten Condensations].
Teaching according to this syllabus, he tested its efficacy on his close relatives, rather than on other students. Here too he observed caution. If it proved unsuccessful, the time of his family would be wasted, not the time of others. But, in actual fact there was nothing of time being wasted. After all, their knowledge would have increased more or less.
7.13 Acknowledgement of Love
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi came to Kanpur in Safar 1301 Hijri and until the end of Safar 1315 Hijri, that is a full fourteen years he served the people of Kanpur with his teaching, lecturing, writings, directives and suggestions. Love and faith in Hazrat was not only grounded in the hearts of his supporters, it even took root in the hearts of his opposition. The effect of this love was that whilst there he never thought of his dear hometown, Thanabawan. He says:
“The people of Kanpur treated me with such love, honour and respect that I even forgot of my hometown. How much my heart was attached there, it would not have been in my hometown. My love for Kanpur was also so great that instead of engraving on my dishes my name, I engraved the name ‘Kanpur’. Now too, when I look at those dishes I think of Kanpur. Had it not been for the gesture of Hazrat Haji Saheb I would have never left Kanpur my entire life.
And truly, the fame I received was by virtue of Kanpur’s people. Otherwise, I was not really that status of a man at all and nor at present. Even now I have great love for the people of Kanpur and I am very much indebted to them. Sort of Minjaanibillah [from Allah Ta’ala] love for me settled in the hearts of the folk there on such a wide scale that difference of thought too was no impediment.”