The Virtue of Istighfaar, Thikr and Ibaadat in the Late Hours of the Night

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The Virtue of Istighfaar, Thikr and Ibaadat in the Late Hours of the Night

Son! If mere knowledge was sufficient for you without the need for practical implementation then the Call of: “Is there anyone who is asking? Is there anyone seeking forgiveness? Is there anyone repentant?” would be futile. This Call is sounded from the heavens during the late part of the night and on certain nights such as Lailatul Qadr, the whole night.

It is reported that a group of Sahaabah (ridhwaanullahi alaihim ajma’een) spoke of Abdullah Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) by Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said; “Abdullah is a good person; if only he offers Salaat during the night.”

Son! “And for a portion of the night offer Tahajjud Salaah” is an Amr (command of the Qur’aan), “During the pre-dawn moments they supplicate for forgiveness” is Shukr (gratitude) and “Those who engage in istighfaar pre-dawn” is Thikr. In other words, you are required to engage in Salaat, Thikr and Shukr during the dark hours of the night.

Nabi (alaihis salaam) said: “Allah Ta’ala loves three sounds; the cock’s crow, the sound of the Qur’aan being recited and the sound of those engaged in istighfaar during the hours preceding dawn.”

Sufyaan Thauri (rahmatullahi alaih) said: “Allah Tabaaraka wa Ta’ala has created a breeze which blows before dawn and which carries istighfaar and athkaar to Al-Malikul Jabbaar (the Mighty King – Allah Ta’ala). He also said: “At the onset of the night a Caller calls out from beneath the Arsh: ‘Listen! Let the Aabidoon (Worshippers of Allah) stand in prayers. Thus they stand and offer Salaat as much as Allah Ta’ala wills. Then a Caller calls out in the middle of the night: ‘Listen! Let the Qaanitoon (Obedient) stand in prayers. Thus they stand up and offer Salaat till the time before dawn. When the time preceding dawn (sahar) sets in the Caller calls out: ‘Listen! Let the Mustaghfiroon (those seeking forgiveness) stand.’ Thus they wake up and engage in istighfaar. When Fajr time sets in the Caller calls out: ‘Let the ghaafiloon (dreamy/forgetful ones) stand.’ Thus they get up from their beds like dead people being resurrected from their graves.”

Son! It is reported in the wasaaya (legacy) of Luqmaan the Wise that he said to his son: “O My Beloved Son! Let not the cock be cleverer than you. It calls out before dawn whilst you are sleeping.”

Source: Priceless Naseehat – Imam Ghazali for a Dedicated Pupil and Disciple”


The Virtue of Istighfaar, Thikr, and Ibaadat in the Late Hours of the Night

The passage emphasizes the importance of engaging in Salaat, Thikr, and Shukr during the late hours of the night. This is a time when the angels are closest to us, and our prayers are more likely to be accepted.

The Love of Allah for Three Sounds

The passage mentions that Allah loves three sounds: the cock’s crow, the sound of the Quran being recited, and the sound of those engaged in istighfaar during the hours preceding dawn. This is a reminder to make our voices heard in praise and worship of Allah.

The Breeze of Istighfaar and Athkaar

The passage mentions that Allah has created a breeze that carries istighfaar and athkaar to Him before dawn. This is a reminder that our prayers and supplications are not limited to our physical presence; they can reach Allah even when we are not physically present.

The Callers of the Night

The passage describes the Callers of the night who call out to the believers to stand in prayer. These Callers remind us to be vigilant and to make the most of the night, which is a time of great reward.

The Importance of Waking Up for Fajr

The passage ends with a reminder from Luqmaan the Wise to not let the cock be cleverer than us. This is a reminder to wake up for Fajr and to not let our sleepiness overcome us.

Actionable Takeaways

  1. Make a conscious effort to implement your knowledge and put your faith into practice.
  2. Engage in Salaat, Thikr, and Shukr during the late hours of the night to make the most of this blessed time.
  3. Make your voices heard in praise and worship of Allah, and remember that He loves three sounds: the cock’s crow, the sound of the Quran being recited, and the sound of those engaged in istighfaar.
  4. Be mindful of the breeze of istighfaar and athkaar that carries our prayers to Allah before dawn.
  5. Be vigilant and make the most of the night, which is a time of great reward.
  6. Wake up for Fajr and do not let your sleepiness overcome you.

May Allah guide us to implement these takeaways and to make the most of the late hours of the night.