Response: Yes, for example, cursing Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Muawiya, Aaesha and Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with all of them) after every prescribed prayer. The scholars of Shia regard it as the best of deeds of attaining proximity (to Allah).(1)
They (also) made slapping of the cheeks and tearing of dresses in the name of mourning Husain Radiallahu Anhu as a great act of worship.(2)
Their Scholar Aali-kashf Al-Gitaa’ was questioned about the ruling of celebrating the 10th of Muharram every year by emulating the assassination of Husain (may Allah be pleased with him) and what befell him and his family, and showing remorseful sorrow, crying, beating the chest, and seeking help by retreating: Oh Husain Oh Husain..? and he Responded thus: (he replied with the following verse)
“So it is. Whoever venerates the sacraments of God-it is from the piety of the hearts.” (Al-hajj:32),
“There is no doubt that such painful incidents and imitating the grave pain is one of the great rites in the Ja’fariyyah sect”.(3)
Their source; Al-Mirza Jawaad At-Tabriizii said: “There is no problem nor doubt, nor differences among the twelve shia Imams that the slapping of the face, wearing black clothes are among the sacraments of the Ahl- bait alaihimus-salaam and that it is truthful of the verse:
“So it is. Whoever venerates the sacraments of God-it is from the piety of the hearts.” (Al-hajj:32)
“Just as the demonstration of grief and sadness about which there are many evidences about its permissibility in times of calamity of the Ahli-bait. Whoever among the Shiite youths that try to disregard these rituals or reduce their importance, then he is among the sinners with regards to the rights of the Ahlu-bait and shall be questioned about it on the Day of resurrection concerning what he invented by misleading people about the rights of the Imams”.(4)
In addition, singing of poetry concerning the death of Husain Radiallahu Anhu are among the means that lead to entering Paradise.
They lied on As-Saadiq that he said: “Whoever sings about Husain alayhi salaam a poetry, and made one person to cry, would get paradise, and whoever sings poetry about Husain and cries would get paradise, and whoever sings poetry for Husain, and cried and cause others to cry shall get paradise”.(5)
They alleged that their imams possess the guarantee for their Shias of entering paradise.
Al-kashiyyu alleged that: “Abdur-Rahman ibn Al-Hajjaaj said: One year I went out to my father Ibrahim Alaihis-salaam carrying a lot of money, then Ali Ibn Yaqteen gave me a letter asking my father to pray for him. When I finished my needs and sent him the money, I said to him: may I be sacrificed for you, Ali Ibn Yaqteen requested me to ask for your supplication for him! He said: For the hereafter? I said yes. Then he placed his hands on his chest and said: I have taken guarantee for Ali Ibn Yaqteen that he would not be touched by fire”.(6)
What an assertion have they made over the sole power of Allah! As if they have the treasures of the Mercy of Allah and as if in their hands are the keys of the heavens and the earth, and they share vouchers of forgiveness and deprivation. Do they share with Allah the planning and organizing of events?
Allah Ta’aala says: “Did he look into the future, or did he receive a promise from the Most Merciful? No indeed! We will write what he says, and will keep extending the agony for him. Then We will inherit from him what he speaks of, and he will come to Us alone. And they took, besides Allah, other gods, to be for them a source of strength. By no means! They will reject their worship of them, and become opponents to them.” (Maryam: 78-82)
(1) Furu’ al-Kaafi 3/224 (the book of prayer..).
(2) Aqaa’id Al-Imaamiya by Zinjaani 1/289 (Al-Mawaakib Husain).
(3) Al-Aayaat Al-Bayyinaat pp: 5 by Muhammad Husian Aali-kashf.
(4) Al-Intisaar 9/246 by Al-’Aaamili, Dar Al-Seerah, 1st edition (1422).
(5) Thawaabul-A’maal pp: 112 –the reward for whoever sings for Husain. Kaamil Az-Zi- yaaraat p. 103 Hadeeth 2 (Chapter 33 : who recites poem about Al-Husein crying and causing others to cry).
(6) Rijaal Al-kashiyyu 5/490-491.
Source: Doctrines of the Twelver Shiite (Enquiry and Response)