The Meaning of Tasawwuf in the words of some Respected Akaabireen and Sufis

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The meaning of Tasawwuf in the words of some respected Akaabireen and Sufis:

  1. “Tasawwuf is to shun all nafsaani desires.” (Hazrat Abul Hasan Noori)
  2. “Tasawwuf is to guard time.” Time should not be squandered in futility and acts which displease Allah Ta’ala.
  3. “Tasawwuf is to hang on to the Haqq.” (Hazrat Ibnul Ataa)
  4. “The Sufiya are children in the abode of Haqq.” (Hazrat Abu Yazeed)
  5. “The basis of Tasawwuf is adherence to the Kitaab (Qur’aan) and Sunnah, shunning bid’ah and base desires, acceptance of the excuses of people, regular observance of auraad, abstention from concessions and interpretations.” (Hazrat Abul Qaasim Nasraabaadi)
  6. “Tasawwuf is the elimination of every evil attribute and adornment with every beautiful attribute. It also means the annihilation of the nafs and existence for the Sake of Allah.” (This is the definition according to the Mutaqaddimeen Sufiya)
  7. “Tasawwuf is abstention from everything in which there is even a shadow of haraam and to protect the tongue from futile talk,” (Shaikh Ash-Sheer Baaftadah Efendi)
  8. “Tasawwuf, the whole of it is Adaab. There is an adab (etiquette) for every time; an adab for every condition and an adab for every place. He who observes the aadaab will reach the rank of Men – i.e. the Auliya.”

These are a few from the numerous similar descriptions of Tasawwuf proffered by the Sufiya. Tasawwuf is the development of moral excellence. It is not a mysterious
cult which ignoramuses have made of it.

The Qur’aan and Sunnah are replete with Tasawwuf. Just as Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was the first proponent of Fiqh, so too was he the first proponent of Tasawwuf.