Rights Of Non Muslims

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Hadhratjee (Moulana Maseehullah) Rahmatullahi alaihi expresses in a gathering:

These are the rights that the creation enjoys, which are rights demanded by Allah Ta’álá. By observing the rights of the creation, one is in fact observing the rights of Allah Ta’álá.Take this illustration: A person does not hurl abuse at the child’s father, but the child is abused. Will the father of that child not take offence? Of course he will. If you understand the above, then you will understand the following as well: The kafir is accountable to Allah Ta’álá for his kufr, but, as for you, you are accountable for your behaviour towards him as far as his mu-ásharatí rights are concerned.

Hadhrat Abu bakr Siddiq Radhiyallu anhu’s mother-in-law came from Makkah to visit her daughter in Madinah. Hadhrat Abu bakr’s wife was worried. She went to Rasululláh, and enquired: “My mother has come. She has not brought imán as yet. She is a káfirah. What should I do?” Rasúlulláh replied: “She is your mother. Treat her well. Be hospitable and charitable towards her.”

The same would apply if the father was a kafir and the children were Muslim. If this is the right of a non Muslim parent, how much more respectful must a mu’min parent not be treated? Because of his imán his status is obviously higher.

Do you understand? Today, the concept of a mu’ásharatí lifestyle has been placed before you with the necessary proofs. This is necessary for the furtherance of your for the improvement of your habits, actions and deeds and your al lifestyle. Different approaches have been adopted so that you may come aware of your shortcomings. You have been shown how to behave and those staying with you, your parents, your brothers and sisters and and your relatives, in-laws, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces, your neighbours, and so forth. The appropriate proofs have been laid before you so that you may act on what you have heard.

Youngsters present here will have had their ears opened and made aware their disrespect for their parents and the grief they cause them by going und with any type of company, going out when they feel like it and aming home at their own time.Our age was different. One could not leave the house without the permission of one’s parents. The mere thought of coming home late would send shivers of fear down our spines. Nowadays, youngsters come and go as they like. There is no concern about the hour – early or late, it makes difference. They go where they want to and sit around with whom they want to. This could not be done in the past. The habits of the past er the very teachings of Islám which have been handed down to us from 1400 years ago.The ayah (verse) on mu’ásharat came to mind because of the way people came running in this morning. In the rush, there is bound to be bumping and falling, knocking of knees and elbows and striking of feet. In sitting down, there is bound to be thumping and pushing. Is that not so?

This ayah came to mind, instructing on mu’ásharat. It is an all-encompassing ayah (verse) extending to the consideration to be given to the musafir even if the traveller is to be given consideration, what about the person sitting next to you? And the neighbours at a distance, the neighbours close by, the orphans and the poor, one’s relatives and one’s parents?
